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IWT Achieves Gender Equality Certification

We are proud to announce an important milestone achieved IWT!

IWT has obtained certification for gender equality in compliance with the reference practice PdR 125:2022. This accomplishment reflects our steadfast commitment to gender equality, the appreciation of diversity, and the empowerment of women within our organization.

The certification also highlighted the importance of continuous improvement. While we have made significant strides, we recognize that there is always more work to be done. Gender equality is not a one-time achievement but an ongoing commitment. We will continue to assess our progress, seek feedback, and adapt our strategies to ensure that we remain at the forefront of promoting diversity and inclusion.

Moreover, this achievement has broader implications beyond our organization. By setting a standard for gender equality, we hope to inspire other companies to follow suit. Our goal is to contribute to a more inclusive and diverse business environment, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive regardless of gender.

Find out more about IWT’s Gender Equality Policy and UNI/PdR 125:2022 CERTIFICATION here.