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Tecniplast's Dedication to Gender Equality recognized by "Il Sole 24 ORE"

At Tecniplast, we deeply value our people as our most invaluable asset. Acknowledging their expertise and dedication, we promote sustainability, equality, and respect as foundational principles of our corporate culture, safeguarding the welfare of our organization.

In line with this dedication, Tecniplast recently achieved a significant milestone by obtaining the Gender Equality Policy.

This achievement is accompanied by the establishment of a Gender Equality Management System, fully compliant with UNI/PdR 125:2022 standards.

The importance of this accomplishment was underscored by its recognition in "Il Sole 24 ORE," Italy's foremost authority on business, financial, and regulatory information. Specifically, the regional publication "Varese Focus" dedicated an article to spotlight Tecniplast's strides in promoting gender equality.

To share this momentous news that we are immensely proud of, we're providing the translation of the article, originally available in Italian at this link.

We are proud to offer insight into our journey towards gender equality and invite you to delve deeper into our initiatives. Enjoy the reading!

At Tecniplast, gender equality goes beyond numbers

Achieving Gender Equality Certification, despite the inevitable numerical disparity between men and women in production departments, by focusing on welfare policies aimed at greater equality within the company's human capital is the challenge Tecniplast won, obtaining the Gender Equality Certification from DNV, one of the leading global bodies active in the assessment of accredited management systems.

In fact, among the 450 people working at Tecniplast Headquarters, women in production departments represent a minority of about 22% of the company's population.

However, this percentage increases so much in offices that among employees, managers, and executives, female figures represent 46% of human resources. But it's not just thanks to the numbers, that Tecniplast managed to narrow the gap between the plates on the gender equality scale. What has been decisive are mainly the commitments made in terms of equality, including welfare actions and projects attentive to gender diversity.

The protection of parenthood and work-life balance; inclusion for a workplace free from discrimination; the management of diversity as strengths; the promotion of female representation even in top positions; the valorization of human resources throughout their career path, from recruitment to career growth: these are the themes on Tecniplas’s strategic actions to achieve a good balance between men and women, not only in numerical terms but also in terms of satisfaction, well-being, and engagement of internal stakeholders. Attentive to any discrimination and harassment, Tecniplast decided to create actual mailboxes, hung in various company locations, accessible to resources of all levels and departments, where any offense can be reported, anonymously or openly. Among the means Tecniplast adopted to stay close to their people, there is a psychological support service as a listening tool for anyone in need. Among the actions to protect parenthood and family needs, there is also wide flexibility in managing smart working and working hours.

These initiatives demonstrate how Tecniplast pays attention to human capital as a whole, as Vincenzo Perego, our Human Resources Director, states: "Tecniplast's strength lies in the people who work for us. The certification we obtained not only represents a valid opportunity to increase our brand reputation, but above all a recognition that rewards all the initiatives undertaken by the Company on now indispensable fronts, such as inclusion, support for parenthood, and equal opportunities. Now, among our objectives, there is the dissemination of the culture of female leadership to further support women in their career growth." As Sara Catalani, Hr Generalist of Tecniplast, points out, "It is important to highlight that thanks to initiatives aimed at equality, all of us can aspire to professional and personal growth just like our male colleagues. A Company that obtains Gender Equality Certification is certainly a reality attentive to women and female empowerment."

Within the improvement program planned for the coming years, there are also other projects such as the provision of an economic token to help new parents and the creation of a second-hand market to encourage circularity” - adds Chiara Vescovi, HR Manager – “Without forgetting projects on the social inclusion front, such as the training island, within a production department, dedicated to disabled young people and the involvement in the company, under Article 21, of those inmates ready to be readmitted to the world of work after serving their sentence."

Univa Servizi, the Confindustria Varese service company, accompanied Tecniplast on this path aimed at achieving Gender Equality Certification. "Tecniplast, even before consulting us, already had many initiatives in place and many projects in hand. This was a strength point in the certification process, not insignificant. The analysis we carried out allowed, on the one hand, to give value to the projects already started and, on the other hand, to create new ones," says Irene Tamborini of Univa Servizi. Practically, the gender equality certificate was undoubtedly a recognition for Tecniplast but above all a way to improve people's well-being. Paolo Praderio, Operations Director of Univa Servizi, explains it this way: "We have been working on themes such as organizational well-being, sustainability, and gender equity for some time now. Today, companies' demands are increasingly focused on these issues, and it is in this context, alongside Confindustria Varese, that we support companies like Tecniplast in certifying gender parity".